Wedding Cards
Our Wedding Blog
Wedding Stationery Packages
Wedding Stationery Packages
English Country Garden Wedding Invitations
English country garden wedding invitations
The Polka Dot Wedding Invitation
We have designed our latest Polka Dot wedding invitation and they look great – Let us know what you think. Traditionally polka dots are used in the clothing of flamenco dancers and performers. The world definitely went “dotty” back in the 50s and 60s for polka dots. Now they are back really big (or small). Have you ever wondered where…
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Polka Dot Wedding Invitations
Polka Dot Wedding Invitations Paperchain will be launching this very soon we are finalising the design and print details. The Polka dot is a pattern wedding invitation card consists of an array of filled circles, equally sized and spaced relatively closely. The overall pattern is complemented by a classical floral illustration. This wedding invitation can be colour matched to any colour so…
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Wedding Invitations Flyer
Wedding invitations for the New Year
Wedding invitations for the New Year Paperchain is currently designing new wedding invitations collections for the 2o12 collections. We are also revamping our website to give it a new fresh feel – we hope you like it. Look out for the new designs. Paperchain